
Welcome to Bara Bank

Decentralized OTC Trading Desk

Solving all Liquidity Problems on Algorand in our Bara BankYou are welcome :)
Explore the Future of Bara DEFIDiscover the innovative features that set Bara Bank apart in the crypto NFT space.
NFT x Token
1000 Capy Whale NFTs hold 500.000 $CAPY tokens each, creating a Max Supply of 500.000.000 tokens. But hold on, these NFTs are not just collectibles – they're your very own OTC trading desk!
Swapping your Capy NFT for 500.000 tokens, and vice versa, without causing a ripple on any token exchange. It's fully Dezentralzied OTC trading Option, which eliminates Slippage on high Volume trades.
Our Smart Contract
Securely holding your Capy Whale NFTs and $Capy tokens in escrow, creating a bridge of permissionless and trustless magic. Swap as much as you want!
NFT Deflation
More $Capy Token Holder = Decreasing Amount of Capy Whale NFTs. Enjoy the Deflation!
Our Future
Pair any token with your own Hybrid NFT. No more liquidity problems on Algorand. Pair f.e. as many ETH, BTC with a fixed amount of NFTs.Partner with leading Algorand ProjectsNFT CollectionSolving Algorands Liquidity Problems
TokenomicsUnlock exclusive features with our flexible Token-NFT-Hybrid Solution
No Pre-sale
No Team Allocation
No VCs
No Airdrops
No Insider Trading, Everyone can affort a Bara Bank NFT
No paid Marketmaker -> The Discount switch between NFT and Tokens will lead into valuable Arbitrage Options for Everyone
NFT Minting Revenue goes into the Liquidity pool
No Buy and Sell Tax on $Capy Trading
No NFT Royalties
1000 Bara Bank NFTs hold 500.000 $Capy Tokens each -> 500.000.000 Max Token Supply
NFTs can be swapped through the Escrow Contract at anytime with close to 0 Costs, creating a permissionless and trustless bridge
No Inflation
No Whale Slippage
NFT Deflation? Ofc! More $Capy Token Holders -> Less possibility to Bridge to an NFT
Algorand's technology ensures your NFT is unforkable, making it truly unique
oStart NFT Sale
oNFTs Sold Out
oBridge active
oHMC (Hybrid-Model-Creator)
Meme GalleryCheck out the hottest capybara memes!Click for new meme! Feel free to share